
What. Why this? Backstory: The last traffic signal before my college has eunuchs asking for money whenever the light goes red. One thing I have noticed, is that these eunuchs know how to take no for an answer. I usually give about 5 rupees whenever I feel generous. But then why the title? Because a […]

Look At The Bright Side or: Stop Worrying Please

A friend of mine said he likes my writing, so I decided to pull this one from the drafts, something I began writing a few days ago. This is somewhat towards the other direction of the posts around here. I’ve always wondered [and wanted to ask anyone who meant anything to me] “What makes you […]

A [Probably Unsolicited] Judgement

It’s 12 PM. I’m sitting in front of my screen wondering what is wrong with the seemingly proper code that is, for some reason, being more unruly than a child who downed a bag of sugar. My phone buzzes. I’m far too socially awkward to have my quiet(ish) message tone ring in a quiet place […]

DAY 4: Relapse?

It’s been weird these past couple of days. I’ve now hit the point where I literally don’t want to write this now but for some reason I feel I have to. I’ve been trying to repeat to myself that “I’m not depressed, I’m fine, just not accustomed to work, yada yada”, but honestly that doesn’t […]

DAY 2: Right versus Duty

Today was the day when I actually wanted to take a day off, owing to a splitting headache I’ve been having for a couple of days. Right to health? Is that a thing? It should, I guess. At least right to be healthy or right to work towards health. However today was a day when […]

DAY 1: Start Slow

There’s something I read today morning that kinda resonates with me, so I’ll share the link. It’s this one here from reddit. I guess that’s what I shall start doing, start slow. Do you have something big to do? Start doing it. Don’t worry if it’ll ever be enough or if it’ll never be enough. […]

Drilling the Borehole

I’m feeling really down lately. I don’t want to be one of those who romanticizes depression, but this downward spiral of emotions and motivation feels like one of the symptoms. Maybe it’s just me being overworked, but code is the only solace. The only place where I believe I am being productive. It’s weird, this […]


Is that even a word? IDK and IDC. I’ve been forehead-deep in work for the past few days. Yet it doesn’t feel like enough. Maybe it’s just me being me being melodramatic. But honestly, all this work makes me feel like I’m achieving something, like as if I’m not wasting my time away doing nothing […]


This is primarily geared towards those who think I’m some sort of demigod who breezes through life with relative ease. Guess what. I am no different from all of you. I always feel nervous before an exam. I fuss about the topics I did not study, about how tough I anticipate the paper to be, […]